2022-2023 Jenks Key Club T-Shirt Design Contest
Hey Key Clubbers,
Applications for the 22-23 Jenks Key Club T-Shirt Design Contest are officially open! Please use your jenksms email to apply. You must have “Jenks Key Club,” and “22-23” or “2022-23” or “2022-2023” on the design. The deadline is July 10th at 11:59 pm. Not only will the winner’s design be the t-shirt design for this upcoming year, but the winner will be able to go to the annual LEDCON conference in Dallas, TX in April and run in the state-wide t-shirt contest! You can either create your own original design or go off a theme (ex. Key-we (like Kiwi) or Lock-ness Monster). Be creative! If you have any questions, please feel free to email Abigail Chow at abigail.chow030@jenksms.com
Here is the link to the google form you need to submit to apply, don’t forget to use your Jenks google account or it won’t allow you to access it.
Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfn71kjyKDiEoa_GevxsF0SAMDLuNbJ6YvTYiYxPKwWhxm-8g/viewform