K2K Eeast

K2K Eeast

JEE Health Fair

Hey Key Clubber, there’s a volunteering opportunity on Tuesday, April 4th at Jenks East Elementary in the gym. You will be helping with the Health Fair between 5-7:30 pm and about 7 volunteers are needed. If you’re interested please sign…

Spring Conference

Hello everyone, there will be a spring conference on Feb 27 and 28 and about 10 zomi interpreters are needed each day. If you are interested please contact me through my email which is ngaih.cing02@jemksms.com

Family STEM Night

Hi everyone, there’s a volunteer opportunity on Tuesday, February 21st, from 5:15-8:00pm. JEI is having Family STEM Night, so 12 volunteers are needed. Needs: help getting set up, helping to run the stations and clean up. Where: Jenks East Intermediate …

K2K East

Hi everyone, there’s a volunteer opportunity on Tuesday and Wednesday, November 2-3, from 4:15-6:00pm. JEE are having Fall Family Night, so 5 volunteers are needed each night.  Needs: help set up, face painting and tattoos  Where: Jenks East Elementary  If…